Wednesday, April 29, 2009

March 2009

After 8 years Jack's daughter Peggy and grand daughter Sara visited. Sara lives in Port Lucie, Florida about an hours drive from here Peggy lives in Lindhurst, Illinois but is often in Florida as she also has a son at the Naval Base in Pensacola. They promised to visit more often.

9 March 2009

Tux with his backpack waiting for his walk.
It was such a pleasure having Dena here for a visit. Fortunately she was able to spend a couple weeks before returning to Arkansas, a 3 day drive to her home.

23 February 2009

After a brief hospital stay Josette shocked her friends by not waking up two days after her release. She was never a stranger to the newcomer. We met in 1982 in Saint Raphael at party for France-Etat Unis of which she was President. She was a great organizer and you just didn't say no to her outings. She met and married Bruno Petrillo 46 years ago in New York where her career started at Boston College. She returned to France when her parents were ailing and, though she longed to revisit, never returned to N.Y. We will have a memoral service for her 25 May. This very unique lady will be missed.

Paula's visit 4 Feb.

On her visit she filled the freezer with her famous gumbo, and scones.

Pete and Donald

I can't believe that we are approaching May and I have no new posting since Christmas. Here is a recap of what has been happening since then.